Design Process

The first step of the process is to schedule an appointment for a consultation where we can gather the needed information to design your project. During this initial visit we will familiarize ourselves with your available space and discuss how you like to operate in that space. We will take measurements, photos, and gather up any of your ideas, wishes or wants. This initial information gathering meeting typically takes about an hour.
The next step of the process is for us to take all of that collected information and we begin designing your project using computer aided design software. We take our time while utilizing our many years of experience to create a functional yet architecturally appealing design. We consider this to be a foundational step to assure a well thought out design and complete customer satisfaction. Once we have an initial design created, we will invite you to our showroom to look over the drawings. We're happy to work with you until the drawings are just right. At this meeting we're also able to look thru samples and many organizational options.

Our craftsman are dedicated to handcrafting cabinetry with excellence, while paying special attention to even the smallest of details. We build cabinetry with unique details that not only enhance the look of the product, but techniques that ensures the quality, durability, and longevity of our products as well.

The majority of the work for every project is completed in the shop while the installation phase is that exciting part of seeing all of those pieces coming together for the first time. The duration of the installation of course varies on the size of the project but averages around 3 days. We custom fit the cabinetry to the space, scribing the cabinets to the walls and adding all of those finishing touches.